Friday, 19 October 2012

Time Based Narrative Week 3: Project Development

Music Break Down:

This is a table showing the 6 parts which the music has been divided into all 23 seconds except the last part which is 35 seconds- the last 10 seconds of that piece will be fade out and credits. From this we decided which part of the music and narrative we would animate. I am animating 00:01:32 to 00:01:55 highlighted in white. From my 23 seconds I will  create a detailed story board which have composed shots purposely chosen to create a dynamic and engaging chase sequence.

Sc Hr-min-sec-fr sec Musical description Visual images / plot


Intro – starts slow gently increasing in volume, load notes increasing in tempo, music returns to mysterious slow tune

Intro: Ink dripping in sync with the load notes creating the setting. As the mysterious music starts the snow queen (SQ) forms from the snow and stats to dance around her environment.
Graceful and mystic with spirit – slowly intensifying- one note created by a wooden percussion instrument at 39 sc

Spotting the Stagger: SQ dances around her environment in tune to the music- she spots a silhouette of a man in the forest- stops and then slowly moves away.
23 Slow graceful music growing- a crescendo of notes- slows and broadens- a sting instrument plays a some fast notes which are then repeated- increase in volume and speed Meeting the Snow Queen: SQ moves towards traveller sneeking up on him- traveller turns- SQ moves behind a tree leaving behind her a trail of snow flakes- she then moves in front of him and around him- the traveller is shocked by her beauty- SQ moves away, luring him.
23 Tempo becomes accelerated- growing and be coming more animated. The Dance: SQ plays and taunts the traveller- luring him- disappearing and reappearing.
23 Music increases in tempo- 1:39- music explodes- very fast- vicious- accelerating The Hunt begins: SQ disappears into the snow and explodes in front of the traveller- traveller shocked- SQ moves towards him- he turns running- he approaches a fallen tree- the jumps over it with the SQ following.
35 Music increase in tempo- becomes more frantic- 2:13- music slows as last note fades- percussion notes increase in tempo and ends with a drum beat. The Icy Kiss: SQ chases traveller- traveller looks over shoulder- SQ isn't seen- he stops- turns around-nothing is behind him- the turns and the SQ is in front of him- she kisses him/ blows her cold breath over his face- his faces freezes over and cracks- he dies.

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